(A)   A permit shall be obtained for the construction, alteration, or repair of any building, except for minor repairs. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the “International Code Council Inc., 2006 Edition,” a permit shall not be required for any minor repairs, as may be necessary to maintain existing parts of buildings, but such work or operations shall not involve the replacement or repair of any structural load-bearing members, nor reduce the means of exit, affect the light or ventilation, room size requirements, sanitary or fire- resistive requirements, use of materials not permitted by the building provisions of this code, nor increase the height, area, or capacity of the building.
   (B)   The application for a permit shall state the date when the work for which the permit is requested will be completed. The period of time therein stated must be a reasonable period of time, in the opinion of the building commissioner. If the building commissioner approves the requested period of time for completion of the project, he or she will so note on the application for building permit. If the work for which the permit is requested is not completed within the time approved, the contractor and the owner of the property upon which the work is to be performed shall be subject to a fine of not to exceed $1,000 for each day that the work remains uncompleted thereafter. Such fine shall constitute a lien upon the real property upon which the work is to be performed. In addition to the penalty provided in this section, the unfinished work shall be removed and the property restored to its condition prior to the commencement of construction pursuant to building permit. The applicant shall post with the city a bond in an amount to be determined by the building commissioner, in any event not less than $500 to assure compliance with this section. The applicant may request from the building commissioner an extension of the time period within which the work may be completed. Such request must be made to the building commissioner prior to the date set forth in the permit application for completion of the work.
   (C)   Following the issuance of a building permit, all construction shall be pursued diligently and shall be completed without delay. In the event construction is not completed within one year following the issuance of a permit, in addition to any other remedies available to the city to compel completion in accordance with this Code, an additional permit fee of 10% of the permit fee previously received from the applicant by the city shall be due and payable. The City Council, upon the recommendation of the Committee of Licenses, Permits and Franchises, shall have the power to waive the increase in fee and to extend the period within which the construction must be completed upon the permit holder's presentation of proof of extenuating circumstances which prevent completion of construction.
   (D)   Prior to the initiation of any construction which requires the issuance of a building permit, any and all contractors are required to verify the issuance of the required building permit. In the event a contractor is found to be working on property requiring a permit for which no valid permit has been issued, said contractor shall be subject to a fine of $250.
('69 Code,§ 6-2; amend. Ord. O-89-3, passed 2-21-89; amend. Ord. O-2-98, passed 1-20-98; amend. Ord. O-34-05, passed 12-6-05)