(A)   A person commits a deceptive practice when, with intent to defraud, the person does any of the following:
      (1)   He or she causes another, by deception or threat to execute a document disposing of property or a document by which a pecuniary obligation is incurred;.
      (2)   Being an officer, manager, or other person participating in the direction of a financial institution, he or she knowingly receives or permits the receipt of a deposit or other investment, knowing that the institution is insolvent.
      (3)   He or she knowingly makes or directs another to make a false or deceptive statement addressed to the public for the purpose of promoting the sale of property or services.
      (4)   With intent to obtain control over property or to pay for property, labor, or services of another, or in satisfaction of an obligation for payment of tax under ILCS Ch. 35, Act 120, § 1 et seq. or any other tax due to the State of Illinois, he or she issues or delivers a check or other order upon a real or fictitious depository for the payment of money, knowing that it will not be paid by the depository. Failure to have efficient funds or credit with the depository when the check or other order is issued or delivered is prima facie evidence that the offender knows that it will not be paid by the depository, and that he or she has the intent to defraud.
      (5)   He or she issues or delivers a check or other order upon a real or fictitious depository in an amount exceeding $150, in payment of an amount owed on any credit transaction for property, labor, or services, or in payment of the entire amount owed on any credit transaction for property, labor, or services, knowing that it will not be paid by the depository, and thereafter fails to provide funds or credit with the depository in the face amount of the check or order within seven days of receiving actual notice from the depository or payee of the dishonor of the check or order.
   (B)   A person convicted of a deceptive practice under divisions (A)(1), (A)(2), (A)(3), (A)(4) or (A)(5) of this section, except as otherwise provided herein, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. A person convicted of a deceptive practice in violation of (A)(4) above a second or subsequent time shall be guilty of a Class 4 felony. A person convicted of deceptive practice in violation of division (A)(1) or (4), when the value of the property so obtained, in a single transaction, or in separate transactions within a 90-day period, exceeds $150, shall be guilty of a Class 4 felony. In the case of a prosecution for separate transaction totaling more than $150 within a 90-day period, such separate transactions shall be alleged in a single charge and provided in a single prosecution.
(ILCS Ch. 720, Act 5, § 17-1) Penalty, see § 130.99