Open burning is allowed in outdoor fire pits in compliance with the following regulations and restrictions:
(A) A portable fireplace or fire pit must be a UL approved device designed for recreational fires. It shall be located on a non-combustible surface while in operation.
(B) Portable devices must be located at least 10 feet from any combustible structure and at least 10 feet from any lot line.
(C) A stationary fire pit constructed of non-combustible materials must be located at least 15 feet from any combustible structure and at least 10 feet from any lot line.
(D) Any device may only be operated in a rear yard.
(E) The device can be no larger than three feet in diameter and no higher than two feet in height.
(F) The device must have a screen and/or arrestor.
(G) Only charcoal, natural or propane gas, commercial fire logs or dry and seasoned firewood may be burned or used as a fuel in an outdoor fireplace or fire pit. Flammable or combustible liquids may not be used to aid in the starting of any outdoor fire.
(H) No outdoor fireplace or fire pit may be operated without adult supervision and a readily available means for extinguishing burning materials. A fireplace or fire pit is considered to be operating at all times that open combustion is occurring. The fire shall be completely extinguished prior to leaving the fireplace or fire pit unsupervised.
(I) No recreational fire shall be started or allowed to continue burning when the wind direction or wind speed will cause embers or other burning material to be carried onto any building or combustible material; nor any time that wind direction will carry smoke into the open windows of any building. Smoke from any recreational fire shall not create a nuisance for neighboring properties and fires shall be completely extinguished when police or fire department investigation determines a nuisance is present.
(J) Any party who starts or maintains a recreational fire that is allowed to burn out of control shall be held responsible for paying any costs associated with fire control effort to extinguish the fire.
(K) The Police Department may order the extinguishment of any fire, which, in the opinion of the officer on duty, violates this section.
(L) Recreational fires shall be permitted only from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
(Ord. O-20-11, passed 5-3-11)