(A)   The City Clerk may at any time suspend or revoke a permit if the operation or conduct of the event is in violation of any conditions, rules, and/or regulations imposed on the permit, any applicable provisions of this code or any other applicable law, or if, in the judgment of the City Clerk, such revocation is necessary to preserve the health or safety of the public. When circumstances permit, the permittee, the event manager, and/or the sponsoring organization shall be given such notice as is possible and an opportunity to be heard prior to such suspension or revocation. In addition, the City Clerk is authorized to suspend or revoke a permit if he or she finds:
      (l)   That the application for the permit is incomplete and/or contains any false, fraudulent or misleading material statement;
      (2)   That the applicant, permittee, event manager, and/or the sponsor have made any false, fraudulent or misleading material statement, or have been convicted of perpetrating a fraud upon any person, whether or not such fraud was perpetrated in the course of conducting any business in the city; or
      (3)   That the applicant, permittee, event manager, and/or the sponsor have conducted any activities in the village in an unlawful manner or in such a manner as to constitute a breach of the peace or a menace to the health, safety or general welfare of the public.
   (B)   Automatic suspension of the permit shall occur whenever the insurance required under this chapter, or as otherwise required for operation of said event, has lapsed or is canceled.
   (C)   Except when suspension of a permit issued pursuant to this chapter is automatic as provided in this chapter, the City Clerk, or designee, shall provide written notice of the suspension and/or revocation of such permit stating the reasons therefor, which notice shall be transmitted to the applicant, the permittee, the event manager, and the sponsor, if any, via electronic mail and U.S. Postal Service mail, or personally served upon the permittee or upon the event manager, or designee, at the time of revocation. Unless the permit will expire by its own terns before a hearing can be reasonably scheduled, no revocation will take effect until the sponsor and/or permittee have been given notice and an opportunity to be heard. When necessary to prevent an immediate threat to the health or safety of the public, the City Clerk, the City Administrator or the Chief of Police, or their designee, shall be and is hereby authorized to order the permittee to immediately cancel and require all activities of the event to cease.
(Ord. O-07-18, passed 3-6-18)