(A)   Upon receipt of the application, the Clerk’s Office shall forward copies of the application(s) to the City Administrator, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, the Director of Public Works, the Building Commissioner, and their designees, and/or any other departments of the city which may be affected by the event. Each city department shall analyze the application and determine if:
      (1)   The license application is complete and contains sufficient detail of the special event.
      (2)   Any additional licenses, permits or approvals are required for the special event or related activities pursuant to the municipal code, such as liquor license, health inspections, sign and/or tent permits.
      (3)   Any special city services will be required and the estimated costs for such services.
      (4)   The criteria for standards in 92.05 have been satisfied.
   (B)   Once this information has been obtained, the department heads shall complete a designated form indicating any impact the event may have and/or their recommendations and return said form to the Clerk’s Office.
(Ord. O-07-18, passed 3-6-18)