§ 34.53 OFFICERS.
   (A)   Officer eligibility. The RAB shall choose one of its members to serve as chair and one member to serve as vice chair. The chair shall preside at all meetings of the RAB, except in his or her absence when the vice chair shall preside. The chair and the vice chair shall each serve a two year term. If the RAB member becomes chair or vice chair in the fourth year of their term, then they will only serve in the position for a one-year term.
   (B)   Chairperson (first officer or chair). The chair shall have general supervisory power over the RAB. The chair shall preside at all RAB meetings and, in consultation with administrative staff, assist in the coordination of all meeting times and location. The chair shall also be an ex-officio member of all ad hoc or sub-committees.
   (C)   Vice chairperson (second officer or vice chair). The vice chair shall execute all powers of the chair, in the absence of the chair.
(Ord. O-41-15, passed 11-3-15; Am. Ord. O-15-22, passed 10-4-22)