The following non-stormwater sources are not considered illicit discharges to the MS4:
   (A)   Discharges from firefighting activities (but excluding washing of trucks, run-off water from training activities, test water from fire suppression systems, and similar activities);
   (B)   Uncontaminated fire hydrant flushing from systems that utilize potable water, surface water, or groundwater that does not contain additional pollutants (but excluding discharges of hyper chlorinated water, unless the water is first dechlorinated and discharges are not expected to adversely affect aquatic life and excluding flushing where recycled wastewater is used);
   (C)   Water from the routine external washing of vehicles, the external portion of buildings or structures, and pavement, where detergents and soaps are not used and where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred (unless spilled materials have been removed; and if local, state, or federal regulations are applicable, the materials are removed according to those regulations), and where the purpose is to remove mud, dirt, or dust;
   (D)   Uncontaminated water used to control dust;
   (E)   Potable water including waterline flushing (but excluding discharges of hyper chlorinated water, unless the water is first dechlorinated and discharges are not expected to adversely affect aquatic life);
   (F)   Uncontaminated air conditioning condensate;
   (G)   Uncontaminated ground water or spring water, including foundation or footing drains and water from crawl space pumps where flows are not contaminated with industrial materials such as solvents;
   (H)   Runoff or return flow from landscape irrigation, lawn irrigation, and other irrigation utilizing potable water, groundwater, or surface water sources;
   (I)   Diverted stream flows;
   (J)   Uncontaminated ground water infiltration;
   (K)   Uncontaminated pumped ground water;
   (L)   Individual residential vehicle washing;
   (M)   Flows from wetlands and riparian habitats;
   (N)   Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges; and
   (O)   Street wash water.
(Ord. 2020-02-O, passed 2-4-2020)