A use may be permitted as an accessory use to any permitted and established principal use in any district; provided that, such accessory use:
   (A)   Is customarily incident to and maintained and operated as a part of the principal use, as determined by the Planning Director and, if need be, after consultation with the City Manager;
   (B)   Is not hazardous to and does not impair the use or enjoyment of adjoining or nearby properties in greater degree than the principal use with which it is associated, as determined by the Planning Director and, if need be, after consultation with the City Manager;
   (C)   Does not add to levels of noise, odor, vibration, excessive lighting or degrees of traffic congestion, dust or pollutants, in a greater amount than that customarily generated by the principal use, as determined by the Planning Director and, if need be, after consultation with the City Manager; and
   (D)   Is not located within the minimum building setback restrictions of the land use zoning district.
(Ord. 2016-07, passed 8-9-2016)