(A) The provisions of this section shall be administered by the Planning Director, under the direction of the City Manager, in accordance to ordinances that may have been previously adopted, subsequently adopted and/or policies governing same.
(B) No person shall construct any building or make any use of any existing building or premises as a place of business or for the rendering of any personal or non-personal service without first obtaining a business permit from the city to do so. The business permit shall contain the name of the permittee, property description and the use and name of the business/service. The business permit shall not be transferable meaning that any sale of majority ownership must then require the new owner to secure their own business permit to thus assure compliance to any proposed changes to said business/service. The fee for a business permit application shall be determined by the City Council and shall be subject to intermittent modification.
(C) All applications for business permits shall be accompanied by legible site plans and legible floor plans, if deemed necessary, and with sufficient detail to have city staff assess compliance to prevailing ordinances and related policies.
(D) If the proposed use does not comply with the property’s zoning district and/or if the plans submitted do not conform to the city’s ordinances and policies, the city shall deny said business permit application and notify the applicant or his or her agent of the reason(s) why so that needed adjustments can then be considered. If no adjustment is made, but the business permit applicant desires to appeal the denial, he or she may do so by filing his or her appeal in writing to the City Council for final disposition.
(Ord. 2016-07, passed 8-9-2016)