The operation of emergency wreckers and emergency wrecker service in the city requires regulation in order to avoid competitive speeding by wreckers to the scene of accidents and collisions, and is necessary in order to avoid traffic hazards and to minimize the danger of injury to persons and damage to property.
(Ord. 2013-11, passed 11-18-2013)
(A) No person shall drive a wrecker to or within 100 feet of the scene or sites of an accident or collision on the streets of the city unless such person has been called to the scene by the Police Department or Fire Department; provided that, when it is necessary to prevent death or bodily injury to any person involved in an accident or collision, the prohibition of this section shall be applicable. The owner or operator of a wrecker shall not use or act upon any information received on the shortwave frequency of the Police or Fire Department of the city for his or her own benefit or the benefit of any other persons in connection with the operation of a wrecker business unless such owner or operator was called or summoned by the Fire or Police Department. If any wrecker appears at the scene of the accident or collision, the owner or operator of which was not specifically called by the Fire or Police Department, it shall be conclusively presumed that such owner or operator unlawfully intercepted and acted on the information transmitted by the Fire or Police Department on their radio frequency.
(B) Wreckers summoned by the Police Department are subject to cancellation. If cancelled, the wrecker company will be placed back on the rotation list for another call. Wreckers summoned to calls where police have not arrived will not hook up the vehicle until the police arrive. Fees for non-hook ups will not be charged.
(Ord. 2013-11, passed 11-18-2013) Penalty, see § 112.99
No person shall solicit in any manner, directly or indirectly, on the streets of the city, the business of towing any vehicle which is wrecked or disabled on a public street, regardless of whether the solicitation is for the purpose of soliciting the business of towing, removing, repairing, wrecking, storing, trading or purchasing such vehicle. Proof of the presence of any person engaged in the wrecker business or the presence of any wrecker or motor vehicle owned or operated by any person engaged in the wrecker business, either as owner, operator, employee or agent, on any public street in the city at or near the scene or sites of a wreck, accident or collision, within one hour after the happening of a wreck, accident or collision, shall be prima facie evidence of a solicitation in violation of this section.
(Ord. 2013-11, passed 11-18-2013) Penalty, see § 112.99
No owner of a wrecker company, not licensed by the city, shall intercept any message emanating through the medium of the Fire or Police Department radio frequency or divulge or publish the existence, contents, substance, purpose, effect of meaning of such intercepted communication; and no person, not being entitled thereto, shall receive or assist in receiving any such message and use such message, or any information therein contained, for his or her own benefit or for the benefit of another person.
(Ord. 2013-11, passed 11-18-2013) Penalty, see § 112.99