(A)   The provisions of the C-1 District are intended to apply to an area adjacent to major arterial streets and convenient to major residential areas. The types of uses permitted are intended to serve the consumer needs of nearby residential neighborhoods as well as the commercial needs of the motorist. Lot sizes and other restrictions are intended to reduce conflicts with adjacent residential uses and to minimize the interruption of traffic along thoroughfares.
   (B)   The following uses and structures are permitted for any use or group of uses that are developed, either separately or as a unit, with certain site improvements shared in common, on a site of three acres or less:
      (1)   Retail stores, sales and display rooms; except automotive and similar uses, including places in which goods are produced and sold at retail upon the premises;
      (2)   Personal service establishments such as beauty shops and barbershops, laundry and dry cleaning pickup stations, tailor shops and similar uses;
      (3)   Professional offices, studios, clinics, laboratories, general offices, business schools and similar uses;
      (4)   Schools and neighborhood libraries;
      (5)   Churches;
      (6)   Eating and drinking establishments;
      (7)   Vocational and trade schools not involving operations of an industrial nature; and
      (8)   Banks and financial institutions.
   (C)   Permitted accessory uses and structures are the customary accessory uses of one or more of the principal uses clearly incidental and subordinate to the principal use, in keeping with the low-density commercial character of the district.
   (D)   Permitted conditional uses are:
      (1)   Service stations, subject to the following provisions:
Minimum lot size
10,000 square feet
Minimum floor area
300 square feet, exclusive of interior servicing area
Maximum of 25 feet
Setbacks other than required elsewhere in this district
   Gasoline pumps and other service island equipment
20 feet from property line
   Building or other structure
15 feet each side
Underground storage is required for all receptacles for combustible materials in excess of 200 gallons
A visual screen meeting the specifications of §§ 157.490 through 157.504 may be required along the rear of the site and along the length of the sides
There shall be no repair work outside the principal structure other than minor service
A minimum of 3,000 feet must separate these uses
      (2)   Planned commercial development on a parcel three acres or more, subject to the provisions set forth in the schedule of special exceptions.
   (E)   Prohibited uses and structures are:
      (1)   Outdoor sales and/or display areas except as provided in this section;
      (2)   Manufacturing activities, transportation terminals, storage warehousing and other activities of a similar nature;
      (3)   All uses not specifically or provisionally permitted in this division; any use not in keeping with the highway approach character of the district; and
      (4)   All uses east of the eastern right-of-way line of U.S. Highway-1 as described in § 157.505 of the supplementary district regulations.
   (F)   (1)   Lot and structure requirements are:
Minimum lot area
5,000 square feet
Minimum lot width
50 feet (200 feet if more than 3 acres)
Minimum lot depth
100 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Minimum floor area
300 square feet
Maximum height
40 feet, except for those properties lying east of U. S. 1 right- of-way or those properties abutting existing developed single family residential properties where the maximum height will not exceed 25 feet
Minimum yard requirements
20 feet
   Side interior lot
7.5 feet
   Side corner lot
20 feet
15 feet; 10 feet when abutting an alley
      (2)   There may be different yard requirements applicable pursuant to § 157.509.
   (G)   All riverfront properties with building construction plans submitted after September 1, 2011 are subject to the breezeway/visual corridor requirements as described in § 157.506 of the supplementary district regulations.
(2000 Code, § 66-391) (Ord. 75-01, passed 7-14-1975; Ord. 99-02, passed 3-23-1999; Ord. 2006-15, passed 1-23-2007; Ord. 2009-05, passed 7-28-2009; Ord. 2011-01, passed 1-25-2011; Ord. 2011-06, passed 8-23-2011; Ord. 2011-12, passed 11-1-2011; Ord. 2015-04, passed 6-30-2015; Ord. 2017-01, passed 2-28-2017; Ord. 2018-04, passed 6-26-2018) Penalty, see § 157.999