(A)   Sufficient application. A sufficient application for site plan review must be filed with the Town Clerk a minimum of 45 days prior to the date of the Planning Board meeting in the month applicant desires to be heard. On that submittal date, the town planner shall transmit the copies to various review agencies/departments for their review and comment.
      (1)   The Fire Department shall review the plan to ensure that the size and spacing of water mains and fire hydrants are adequate; that the location of buildings and service roads are adequate to permit ingress and egress for firefighting equipment.
      (2)   The Engineer shall review the plan to ensure that an orderly and safe traffic flow is permitted within the site, that no traffic problems are created by the proposed ingress and egress routes, and that the plan provides adequate parking; shall verify easements and their adequacy, and shall review the plan to ensure adequate stormwater management facilities; shall review the sanitary sewer system to ensure that the mains and laterals are adequate; trash and garbage pickup facilities and access thereto.
      (3)   The town planner shall review the plans to ensure its compliance with the zoning ordinance, the comprehensive plan, site plan review and other ordinances of the town.
   (B)   Report; changes by applicant. Within ten working days, from the submittal date of a sufficient application, the various review agencies must submit, in writing, to the town planner recommendations on the factors relating to the site plan which bear upon the public interest. The comments shall then be forwarded to the applicant. The applicant shall have an opportunity to review the comments and make any changes on the site plan to conform to the recommendations. The corrections must be submitted to the town planner at least 18 working days prior to the Planning Board meeting and staff will have eight working days to review this first revision. Eight days prior to the Planning Board meeting, each staff agency must make a recommendation of either approved, approved with conditions or deny, with that written report.
   (C)   Continuance. The applicant may request in writing one continuance of the time frames indicated above. A requested continuance may be no greater than 60 days.
   (D)   Revised plans. Revised plans to meet the conditions/comments of staff review must be submitted within 60 calendar days from the date those conditions/comments were delivered to the applicant. Failure to submit revised plans shall result in an automatic withdrawal of the application.
(Ord. 2002-03, passed 6-25-2002)