It is unlawful for any escort, escort service or worker of an escort service, regardless of whether licensed under this chapter, to commit any of the following acts or for an operator of an escort service regardless of whether licensed thereunder, to knowingly permit, suffer, aid, assist or allow any escort or escort service worker to commit any of the following acts:
   (A)   To enter a hotel, motel or other place of temporary lodging for the purpose of meeting or providing services to a customer without immediately upon entering such hotel, motel or other place and prior to meeting the customer making personal face-to-face contact with the on duty manager at the front desk or reception area and providing that person with the following information:
      (1)   The time of arrival and estimated time of departure;
      (2)   A copy of the escort service's sexually-oriented business license and, if applicable, the escort's business tax receipt;
      (3)   The name of the escort, the escort service and the customer being met/served; and
      (4)   The location of the meeting or service within the structure including the room number.
   (B)   To require, entice or solicit any customer to remove any article of clothing.
   (C)   To display or expose any specified anatomical area to a customer.
   (D)   To begin a meeting or service without first meeting the customer in a public place such as a bar or restaurant before accompanying the customer to any place not open to the public such as a hotel room or residence.
   (E)   To meet with or provide services to a customer in any place not open to the public such as a hotel room, motel room or residence without first executing the customer contract as required by this chapter.
   (F)   To provide services to a customer even in a public place without first executing the customer contract as required by this chapter, immediately following the meeting of the customer.
   (G)   To solicit a tip or gratuity from a customer in exchange for a promise or suggestion that any act or service not contracted for in the customer contract will be performed.
   (H)   To accept any compensation or payment except that which is provided in the customer contract.
(Ord. 2007-29, passed 4-30-07) Penalty, see § 173.999