(A)   The City Council, by majority vote of those present, after a hearing as provided in § 110.70, is hereby authorized to revoke any permit issued under the provisions of this subchapter under any one or more of the following circumstances, if the City Council makes an affirmative finding that the continued operation of the permitted premises would be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare:
      (1)   Permittee, or any interested party of permittee, is found guilty of a criminal act, whether or not adjudication is withheld.
      (2)   Permittee fails to comply with the fire prevention ordinances of the city after written notice shall have been given to the permittee to eliminate or correct any condition in violation of such ordinances on the permitted premises within a specific time period.
      (3)   Permittee or any interested party of the permittee violates any state statute relating to bingo operations or gambling laws.
      (4)   Permittee fails to comply with any provision of the city code, after written notice shall have been given to the permittee to eliminate or correct any condition in violation of such ordinances on the permitted premises within a specific time period.
      (5) Permittee fails to comply with any provisions of this subchapter after written notice to eliminate or correct any condition in violation of this subchapter on the permitted premises.
      (6)   Permittee furnishes incorrect or incomplete information its application for permit or application for renewal of permit.
      (7)   Permittee fails to furnish notification of changes in application information within 30 days of change in such information as required by § 110.61 hereof.
   (B)   Reasonable notice as used herein shall mean ten calendar days written notice either hand-delivered, sent by certified mail, or posted on the front door of the bingo hall. If a permit is revoked hereunder for a for-profit bingo organization, the permits for all charities operating in the bingo hall operated by the for-profit bingo organization shall be suspended. If a permit for a charity operating bingo in a bingo hall is revoked, it will not automatically revoke the permit of other charities conducting bingo in the bingo hall, nor shall the permit of the for-profit bingo organization be revoked.
(Ord. 96-09, passed 2-15-96)