A site plan shall be required for the construction or expansion of any building, structure, infrastructure, or complex of buildings or structures, unless exempted by this section. Prior to making application for a site plan, the applicant shall request a pre-application meeting with the City to determine whether the proposed project meets the criteria established for a site plan, minor site plan, site plan modification, or is exempt from the site plan process. A building permit shall not be issued unless the construction plans are accompanied by a City approved site plan. A site plan shall be submitted to the Growth Management Department for administrative review. The submittal requirements shall follow the Guidelines for Site and Building Permitting Procedures Manual.
(A) Site Plan. A site plan shall be submitted for all the following development proposals:
(1) New site development proposals for unimproved real property.
(2) Any developed site proposing an addition of 50 percent (50%) or greater of the original floor area or seating capacity of the existing structure.
(3) Any addition of impervious area, or modification of an existing onsite wetland, surface water, or stormwater management system.
(4) Proposals where existing onsite "natural areas" of any size will be impacted.
(B) Minor Site Plan. A minor site plan shall be submitted for the following site development proposals:
(1) Changes to existing development which does not exceed 50 percent (50%) of the original floor area or seating capacity of the existing structure.
(2) Additions or alterations to site infrastructure, stormwater, impervious areas of less than five-hundred (500) square feet; or an addition of up to twenty percent (20%) of parking areas on developed sites, or on sites with no existing permit.
(C) Site Plan Modification. Site plan modifications shall meet the following criteria:
(1) All infrastructure required to service the site shall exist on the subject site.
(2) Parking meets all code requirements, or any approved parking determination, parking rate adjustments or variance requests, in accordance with the Land Development Code.
(3) The proposed modification does not substantially alter the traffic circulation system or substantially change the use of property, as determined by the Growth Management Director.
(D) Applicability. All site plans are subject to compliance with the Zoning Code.
(1) Only the specific work area identified in a site plan, minor site plan, or site plan modification shall be subject to compliance with current code requirements, unless the alteration or modification adversely impacts safety, existing infrastructure, or another code requirement that stipulates the area outside of the work area must comply with the current standards.
(E) Exemptions. The following are exempt from the site plan review; however, shall comply with all other development regulations and building code requirements.
(1) Detached single-family or duplex/two-family residence on a fee simple lot.
(2) Accessory structures to an established principal use meeting the following criteria:
(a) The structure does not necessitate the expansion of the existing infrastructure such as parking spaces, stormwater system, etc.; or
(b) Does not impact the adequacy of the existing infrastructure (e.g., utilize necessary parking spaces, remove/reduce stormwater, etc.); and
(c) The scope of work does not require modifying the existing site engineering and can be regulated through the building permit review process.
(F) Revisions to Approved Plans (RTAP). Revisions to approved plans under construction which do not increase the gross square footage of a building or adversely impact compliance with the approved site plan and would not alter the required infrastructure and improvements necessary to serve the site, may be approved in writing provided such additions and/or modifications fully conform to all existing city regulations. Prior to final acceptance of the site, as-built drawings shall be submitted indicating such revisions, and/or modifications prior to site acceptance.
(Ord. 2016-17, passed 4-21-16 Am. Ord. 2023-71, passed 8-17-23)