(A)   The records listed below shall be maintained at the location of the privately-owned collection and transmission system for a period of three (3) years. The records shall be made available to the City staff during routine business hours for inspection and copying as needed. Failure to present the records at the time of request by the City shall be a violation of this chapter. The records required for inspection are as follows:
      (1)   Privately-owned collection and transmission system operation permit and permit application including drawings and specifications (for simplification, a copy of the submitted application will be included with the permit issued by the City);
      (2)   The wastewater collection system log;
      (3)   Receipts and documentation for all inspections and services performed by contractors on the pump stations or collection system;
      (4)   Copies of all other reports submitted to the City pursuant to this section; and
      (5)   Quarterly submittals of the sanitary sewer system log to the City at the address listed in the privately owned collection and transmission operation permit.
   (B)   Owners of private collection and transmission systems shall initiate a SSES within forty-five (45) days of notification by the City. A sanitary sewer evaluation survey shall be deemed necessary by the City for reasons including, but not limited to, excessive inflow or infiltration discovered during inspections, review of operating reports, and flow studies.
   (C)   The SSES will serve to identify and formulate plans to reduce inflow and infiltration into the sanitary sewer system.
   (D)   The SSES shall be completed and a report submitted, in writing, to the City within six (6) months of notification by the City. SSES activities shall include inspections of the following:
      (1)   The entire length of system pipe line;
      (2)   All service lateral connections;
      (3)   All manholes; and
      (4)   All pump stations and force mains.
   (E)   If at any time during an SSES a rehabilitation or upgrade to the system is deemed necessary, a written report specifying the proposed actions must be submitted to the City prior to commencement of any work. All work proposed to correct deficiencies identified during an evaluation shall be completed within six (6) months after conclusion of the evaluation unless a revised schedule is submitted to and approved by the City. When a rehabilitation program is deemed necessary by a sanitary sewer evaluation survey, the selected program shall be sufficient to ensure that infiltration and/or inflow into the system shall be less than two hundred (200) gallons per inch of pipe diameter per day per mile of pipe and laterals. The program must comply with BMP as required by the U.S. EPA’s Sewer System Infrastructure Analysis and Rehabilitation Handbook (October 1991, EPA/625/6-91/030), or most current edition.
   (F)   The inflow and infiltration rehabilitation program shall be timely executed and designed to reduce privately owned collection and transmission system inflow and infiltration to a level which meets the standards set forth in this chapter.
   (G)   In the event of equipment breakdown, power outage, destruction by hazard of fire, wind, or by other cause resulting in a discharge of inadequately treated wastewater in violation of this section, the permittee shall take immediate action to halt the illicit discharge. The permittee shall notify the City and the FDEP.
   (H)   The permittee shall notify the City in person or by telephone within one (1) hour of detection. The permittee shall also notify the FDEP at the contact number specified in the permit.
      (1)   A written report shall be submitted to the City at the address specified in the permit within seventy-two (72) hours of the notification referenced above, describing the nature and cause of the breakdown, malfunction, or other cause relating to the discharge. The report shall include the duration and volume of discharged materials, measures taken to disinfect, recover, and dispose of materials discharged, and the procedures implemented to prevent reoccurrence. The report shall also be submitted to the FDEP.
(Ord. 2013-15, passed 2-21-13)