(A)   Publication. Notice of all public hearings shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation within the city as required by Florida Statutes or on a governmental agency website under F.S. § 50.0311, if such website is available and the City has complied with the requirements of F.S. § 50.0311(6).
      (1)   Public hearings that have requested a continuance shall be required to readvertise to a date certain.
   (B)   Courtesy mailout.
      (1)   All property owners within five hundred (500) feet of property which is the subject of a rezoning, future land use map amendment, conditional use, zoning variance, architectural style exception, preliminary subdivision or final subdivision, shall be transmitted a courtesy notice by mail stating: the date, time and place of the hearing; the type of petition to be considered at the hearing; and the location where the petition may be reviewed.
      (2)   The names of the property owners shall be as listed in the most current edition of the Brevard County Tax Rolls. Failure to mail or the failure of a property owner to receive a courtesy notice shall not affect any action or proceedings taken on the subject matter.
      (3)   When a property within these five hundred (500) foot distances is included in a legally constituted property owners', homeowners', or condominium association boundary, a courtesy notice will also be provided to that association based on the latest contact information available from the Office of the City Clerk.
   (C)   Signs posted on the subject property.
      (1)   All properties that are subject to a rezoning, future land use map amendment, conditional use, zoning variance, architectural style exception, preliminary subdivision or final subdivision, shall be posted by the owner/applicant, at their expense, with a sign(s) meeting the following criteria:
         (a)   Sign(s) shall have minimum dimensions of forty-eight inches by forty-eight inches (48" x 48"). Sign(s) pertaining to a single-family residence shall be a minimum of twenty-four inches by twenty-four inches (24" x 24").
         (b)   The bottom of the sign(s) shall be placed a minimum of thirty-six inches (36") above grade.
         (c)   Sign(s) shall be located as close to the front property line (and side corner property line on corner lots) as possible, or in other locations approved by the Growth Management Director, in order to achieve maximum visibility.
         (d)   Corner properties shall require two (2) such signs, one each facing both streets.
         (e)   Sign(s) shall include the date, time and place of the public hearing, applicant's name, and the specific request(s).
         (f)   Sign(s) shall be posted ten (10) days prior to the advertised public hearing for the Planning and Zoning Board meeting at which the matter is to be considered and shall remain in place until after the final public hearing on the matter by the City Council. Such signs shall be removed within forty-eight (48) hours of the conclusion of the final public hearing on the matter.
   (D)   Large area rezonings and future land use map amendments. Administrative rezonings or administrative Future Land Use Map amendments shall meet the requirements of F.S. § 166.041(3)(c), in lieu of the requirements contained in this section.
   (E)   Failure to post sign(s).
      (1)   Failure to post the sign(s) within the time frame specified within division (C) of this section shall result in the continuance of the public hearing. The matter shall be rescheduled in accordance with § 51.03(B) above. The applicant shall pay a fee equaling one-half (1/2) the initial filing fee.
      (2)   Upon the continuance of a public hearing, failure to post the sign(s) within the time frame specified or to pay the fee within three (3) working days of the date the public hearing is rescheduled, shall render the matter as a withdrawal under this chapter.
(Ord. 2006-57, passed 6-1-06; Am. Ord. 2009-35, passed 5-21-09; Am. Ord. 2023-20, passed 4-20-23)