For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   APPLICANT. An individual, corporation, or other authorized legal representative or entity, including the city staff, City Council, and boards, filing an application with the city that requires a public hearing before the City Council of the city or any of its boards.
   BOARD. Any duly constituted board of the city that sets and advertises matters for public hearings on issues they are empowered to consider.
   CITY COUNCIL. The Mayor and councilmembers.
   CONTINUANCE. The resetting or rescheduling of a matter that has been advertised and placed on an agenda for public hearing before either the City Council or any board of the city, including but not limited to extensions, continuances, tablings, delays, deferrals, and postponements.
   WITHDRAWAL. The voluntary removal for consideration and cancellation of a matter advertised for public hearing, made by the applicant.
('74 Code, § 2-51) (Ord. 82-15, passed 2-4-82; Am. Ord. 2006-57, passed 6-1-06)