(A)   Application procedure. Following the approval of the preliminary plat, the applicant if he/she wishes to proceed with the subdivision, shall submit an application for final plat approval to the Land Development office. Such an application must be made on forms available from the City's Community Planning and Economic Development office. The application must be complete and accompanied by two (2) copies of the final plat and construction plans as described in these regulations, a CD or other approved electronic copy of the plat, a filing fee, and a list of all owners of adjacent property and/or property directly opposite of the proposed subdivision. Such property owner information shall be obtained from the most recent County Tax Appraiser's rolls.
   (B)   Final plat to conform to preliminary plat. The final plat shall conform substantially to the preliminary plat as approved, and if desired by the subdivider, it may constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which he/she proposes to record and develop at the time, if such portion conforms to the requirements of this chapter.
   (C)   Application processing. The processing of the final plat application will be substantially the same as the processing of the preliminary plat application described previously in § 184.07.
   (D)   Public meetings. The final plat application shall be heard by the Planning and Zoning Board at the next available regular meeting. Courtesy notice letters of the meeting are to be sent to the owners of abutting and opposite properties of the proposed subdivision. Failure to mail or receive such courtesy notice shall not affect any action or proceedings taken however. Notice of such a meeting shall also be posted on the property for which subdivision is sought.
   (E)   Final approval. After the Planning and Zoning Board has reviewed the final plat and construction plans, the city staff report with its recommendations, and testimony and exhibits submitted at the public meeting, the Planning and Zoning Board shall forward its recommendations for final action to the City Council. Upon receiving the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board including the city's staff report, the City Council shall hold a public meeting and shall act to either approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove such application.
(Ord. 96-05, passed 2-15-96; Am. Ord. 2016-32, passed 5-19-16; Am. Ord. 2023-116, passed 1-4-24)