If the public improvement is determined to be acceptable, the City Council may consider a resolution accepting the construction of the public improvements specifically listed in the resolution, releasing the performance bond as to those acceptable public improvements and requiring the applicant to maintain the specified public improvements. Adoption of the resolution shall be contingent upon the applicant posting a maintenance bond or adequate security as determined by the Council, for the maintenance period prescribed by the City Council. For those public improvements that were constructed prior to July 1, 1982, the maintenance period will be for one (1) year; for those public improvements constructed after July 1, 1982, the maintenance period will be for two (2) years. The amount of the maintenance bond must be approved by the City Council and the City Attorney as to the form. Such resolution shall also be contingent upon the applicant complying with the provisions of § 182.08. Such bond or security shall be filed with the City Clerk.
('74 Code, § 19½-27) (Ord. 82-24, passed 7-1-82; Am. Ord. 85-31, passed 7-11-85)