The city staff shall review, inspect and test the public improvements at the applicant's expense. The type of tests shall be selected by the city, shall be carried out by firms selected by the city and shall be carried out in accordance with the standards, practices and procedures generally utilized by the industry for such tests. Review of the public improvements by the city staff is to be based upon the applicable city, county, state and/or industry construction specifications that set the standards for the public improvement contained in the request. The construction standards that will apply will vary as follows:
   (A)   For public improvements that were constructed, placed, or installed prior to July 1, 1982, the construction, placement or installation shall be in accordance with the approved construction plans and the applicable construction standards in effect at the time of construction. If, however, review, inspection or testing yield results not in keeping with the above, corrective measures shall be made in accordance with the approved construction plans and the applicable construction standards in effect at the time of construction by the developer.
   (B)   For public improvements to be constructed within the subdivided plats that were recorded prior to July 1, 1982, but have not been constructed, and for which construction plans have been prepared and approved, the applicable construction standards will be the standard construction specifications of the city and made a part of this chapter, by reference, including, but not limited to, Divisions 2, 3, 4 and 5 thereof as those specifications exist today or as they may be amended from time to time by the city engineer with the exception of those improvements where construction has begun within two (2) years from July 1, 1982. In those instances the construction standards shall be in accordance with the approved construction plans and the applicable construction standards in effect at the date of platting and plan approval. Upon the written request of a developer for good cause, the City Manager may extend, for a maximum period of one (1) year, the initial construction date for the applicable units under this section. GOOD CAUSE, for purposes of this division (B), shall include the inability to obtain or receive approval of necessary permits and approvals from the regulatory agencies that regulate such construction.
   (C)   For public improvements to be constructed within subdivided plats that were recorded prior to the effective date of this subchapter but for which construction plans have not been approved, the applicable construction standards will be the standard construction specifications of the city adopted and made a part of this subchapter, by reference, including but not limited to Divisions 2, 3, 4 and 5 thereof as those specifications exist today or as they may be amended from time to time by the City Engineer.
   (D)   For public improvements to be constructed under other than any of the foregoing conditions, the applicable construction standards will be the standard construction specifications of the city adopted and made a part of this subchapter, by reference, including but not limited to Divisions 2, 3, 4 and 5 thereof as those specifications exist today or as they may be amended from time to time by the City Engineer.
   (E)   In all of the foregoing cases, where modification of the requirements of the city's current standard construction specifications is being accepted, the modification is not intended to exempt compliance with any and all other applicable existing provisions of this code of ordinances and any other ordinance of the city.
   (F)   It is the express intent of the City Council to permit the City Engineer, in his sound discretion, to amend specifications from time to time in accordance with the standards as established by good engineering practices and industry standards that pertain to the particular improvement offered for acceptance by the developer.
('74 Code, § 19½-24) (Ord. 82-24, passed 7-1-82; Am. Ord. 83-9, passed 3-7-83)
Editor's note: Current construction standards are set forth in Chapter 170 of this code of ordinances and in other applicable provisions of this Title XVII.