Applicants for single family and two-family building permits shall submit a landscape plan. The landscape plan must be shown on a survey drawing, and can be shown on the site plan survey to be submitted for the building permit. The landscape plan must contain the following:
   (A)   An engineering scale and north arrow.
   (B)   The legal description and address of the property.
   (C)   The property lines.
   (D)   All existing and proposed site features, such as structures, pavements, easements, landscaping, streets, drainage, septic tanks and drain fields, and above ground utility poles.
   (E)   Explanation of or legend to identify those trees to be preserved (a tree survey is not required.) The approximate type, size, and location of the trees to be preserved must be shown on the landscape plan.
   (F)   The location, common names, estimated size at planting including the plant height and quantity of proposed landscape plant, tree, and living ground cover shall be shown or listed in a key on the landscape plan. Only the type, quantity, and location of all nonliving ground cover must be shown or listed in a key on the landscape plan.
(Ord. 94-15, passed 7-7-94)