(A)   Two (2) street name signs shall be installed and maintained by the developer at all cross intersections on diagonally opposite corners, with one (1) sign at all “T” intersections on all private streets and installed prior to acceptance for maintenance of any public street by the city.
   (B)   Street name signs shall be six (6) inches in width with lettering four (4) inches in height on six-tenths (0.60) inch anodized aluminum with silver reflective lettering on green Scotchlite, high-intensity reflective background or equivalent. Street name sign poles shall be two (2) inch galvanized-type supports set in concrete. Placement and location of street name signs shall be approved by the Police Department.
('74 Code, § 20-31) (Ord. 83-23, passed 4-7-83) Penalty, see § 179.999