(A)   Any unit, both commercial and residential, contained within the city limits of the City of Paintsville, Kentucky, which has been used for the production of methamphetamine is hereby deemed uninhabitable.
   (B)   It shall be the responsibility of the owner of the property so identified to ensure that all necessary decontamination steps are completed before the property in question can be inhabited by further occupants. The Paintsville Police Department shall notify the City Clerk of the City of Paintsville of all commercial and residential units in the city limits that have been identified as places in which methamphetamine was manufactured.
   (C)   The decontamination standard for methamphetamine inside inhabitable property is less than or equal to one tenth of one microgram of methamphetamine per 100 square centimeters of surface materials.
   (D)   Prior to the occupation of the property in question by additional occupants, the City of Paintsville shall receive a letter of confirmation from the property owner along with documentation from the entity who or that completed the decontamination that the unit has been properly decontaminated.
(Ord. 2006-001, passed 5-2-06)