(A)   Number of commissioners. The Commission shall be comprised of five commissioners.
   (B)   Appointment of commissioners; qualifications; terms; removal. Commissioners shall be nominated by the Mayor, for approval by the City Council, and may be removed for just cause by the City Council. Commissioners may be brought before the City Council for removal by recommendation of a City Council member or the Mayor. Four of the commissioners shall either be residents of the city, or that they, on a full-time basis, conduct or are employed in a business, trade or profession with the city, and one may be residents of the county outside the city limits who reside in an area serviced by Paintsville Utilities. Each Commissioner's appointment shall be for a term of four years, unless said appointment is for the balance of an unexpired term, and shall be staggered in such a way that the terms of no more than two commissioners shall expire within the same year. Commissioners may be re-appointed to one or more successive terms by the Mayor, with consent of the City Council. Each Commissioner shall serve a four-year term unless he or she shall become disqualified by residency, by statutory conflict of office or conflict of interest, by violation of the city's code of ethics, be convicted of a felony or other just cause. Upon request of the member in question, he or she shall be granted a public hearing before the Mayor and City Council during which no other business shall be conducted.
   (C)   Vacancies on Commission. In the event of a vacancy on the Commission, either by death, resignation or dismissal, said vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, for the balance of the former member's term.
   (D)   Compensation of commissioners. Each commissioner shall be compensated monthly for his or her service to the city and the Commission. The rate of monthly compensation shall be $25 but may be increased or decreased upon request to the City Council by the Commission or by independent action of the City Council.
   (E)   Organization of commission; officers; quorum. At its first meeting each year the Commission shall select one of its members to serve as Chairman and another to serve as Vice-Chairman, which member shall be called upon to serve only in the absence of the Chairman. These offices shall be filled for one year and no officer thus selected may succeed himself or herself in said office for the successive year. A majority of commissioners comprising the Commission who shall be present at any meeting, regular or special, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting any and all business.
   (F)   Conduct of business at meetings of the commission. The Chairman, or in his or her absence, the Vice-Chairman shall conduct each meeting of the Commission in accordance with a previously prepared agenda. Each regular meeting shall include financial and operational reports from the General Manager, Chief Engineer and Chief Financial Officer. With the concurrence of the Chairman, additional items may be placed on the agenda prior to the meeting at the request of the General Manager or members of the Commission. Upon the recommendation of the Chairman or the General Manager, the Commission may be called into a special meeting upon 24 hours notice or an emergency meeting at such time as a quorum may be available.
(Ord. passed 10-3-50; Am. Ord. 76-02, passed 2-3-76; Am. Ord. 90-03, passed 2-13-90; Am. Ord. 2003-008, passed 5-22-03)