Each residential, commercial or industrial lot or parcel shall be so graded as to allow no ponding whatsoever of any surface water.
(a) Wherever feasible, grading shall be accomplished in such fashion that all surface water shall drain into inlets constructed within limits of the right-of-way.
(b) When necessary, inlets and conduits draining into storm conduits shall be constructed in areas outside the limits of the right-of-way.
(c) The methods outlined in subsections (a) and (b) hereof are not to be construed as to prohibit any drainage, wherever feasible, into natural or constructed drainage channels.
(d) Special attention shall be given to avoid any ponding or excessive runoff to contiguous property of any surface water, both during and subsequent to the period of construction.
(e) In unpaved areas the minimum allowable gradient of the surface to accomplish overland flow shall be .7%.
(f) The maximum allowable length of flow of surface water over unpaved areas before entering an inlet or a channel shall be 300 feet.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)