1135.13 SIDEWALKS.
   (a)   Sidewalks shall be required on both sides of the street in all subdivisions except when approved by the Planning Commission in accordance with the criteria for modifications set forth in Section 1135.07 and as follows:
      (1)   Where the predominant lot width in a residential subdivision is greater than 100 feet but less than 150 feet the Planning Commission may permit sidewalks on only one side of the street.
      (2)   Where the predominant lot width in a residential subdivision is greater than 150 feet, the Planning Commission may permit sidewalks on only one side of the street or waive the sidewalk requirement in its entirety.
      (3)   The Planning Commission may modify or waive the requirement for sidewalks for industrial subdivisions as applicable to the circumstances.
   (b)   Sidewalks shall be placed in the right-of-way, parallel to the street, unless an exception has been permitted by the Planning Commission to preserve topographical or natural features or to provide visual interest, or unless the applicant shows that an alternative pedestrian system provides safe and convenient circulation. Any sidewalk outside the right-of-way shall be in an easement approved by the City and as to form by the Law Director.
   (c)   Where possible and appropriate to the nature of abutting uses, sidewalks shall be aligned to connect with existing sidewalks or locations suitable for future sidewalk development on abutting properties.
   (d)   The Planning Commission may require signs, pavement markings or special surface materials to be installed in any location where necessary to promote pedestrian safety and minimize conflict with vehicular movement.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)