The following requirements shall apply to special street types:
   (a)   Permanent dead-end streets are prohibited. Temporary dead-end streets shall be permitted only as part of a continuing street plan, and only if a temporary turnaround satisfactory to the Planning Commission in design, is provided, and provisions for maintenance and removal are approved by the City Engineer. Temporary dead-end streets longer than 200 feet are prohibited.
   (b)   Dedication of new half-streets is prohibited. Where a dedicated or platted half-street exists adjacent to the tract being subdivided, the other half shall be platted.
   (c)   Where a subdivision adjoins an arterial street, a marginal access street shall be designed, if the subdivision design is such that residential lots would require direct vehicular access onto the arterial highway. Points of access to the arterial street shall be spaced at a minimum of 1,320 feet. A planting strip having a minimum width of 20 feet shall be provided between the pavement of the arterial street and the pavement of the marginal access street. The minimum width of the marginal access right-of-way shall be 50 feet.
   (d)   Alleys shall not be approved in residential subdivisions, except where justified by unusual circumstance for public access or service. Alleys may be required in commercial and industrial districts if other provisions cannot be made for adequate service access. The minimum widths for alleys shall be 20 feet for the right-of-way and 18 feet for the pavement width. Right-of-way, drainage and construction requirements shall be as determined by the Planning Commission upon recommendation of the City Engineer.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)