All intersections shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the following:
   (a)   No more than four road legs will be permitted at any intersection, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission upon recommendation of the City Engineer. Four-way intersections of local streets should be avoided and threeway or T-intersections should be encouraged wherever possible.
   (b)   Road intersection shall be at 90 degrees where practical, but in no case less than 75 degrees.
   (c)   Those roads intersecting each other from opposite sides shall be directly opposite where possible. Street jogs with centerline offsets shall be prohibited unless specifically approved by the Planning Commission upon recommendation of the City Engineer.
   (d)   The minimum radius of right-of-way lines at intersection corners shall be 50 feet but may be reduced to no less than 25 feet by the Planning Commission upon recommendation of the City Engineer.
   (e)   Streets shall have a minimum clear sight distance along each approach leg as specified in the most current edition of the Ohio Department of Transportation’s Location and Design Manual, Volume 1.
   (f)   There shall be a minimum separation of 300 feet between intersections but may be reduced to no less than 150 feet by the Planning Commission upon recommendation of the City Engineer.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)