(a)   The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade construction and location of all streets shall conform to the Major Thoroughfare Plan, or subsequent amendments thereto, and shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, topographical conditions and public convenience and safety; and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets. The Planning Commission shall further be guided by the concept of “complete streets” to properly accommodate all users including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and motorists. The Planning Commission may disapprove a street plan which does not insure continuity of the existing street system or contain complete street elements.
   (b)   The street pattern shall discourage through traffic in the interior of a subdivision. Major subdivisions shall be designed to discourage residential driveway access onto major arterial and collector roadways by using access roads. Minimizing driveway access points or curb cuts by using access roads shall be encouraged.
   (c)   The street arrangement shall provide for the continuation of the existing principal streets in adjoining areas to provide for the orderly subdivision of land.
   (d)   Where a residential subdivision exceeds 50 dwelling units, a secondary access point shall be required. The secondary access shall be constructed to the same design and improvement standards as the primary access. For phased developments, the construction of the secondary access shall occur no later than at the time of the construction of the infrastructure associated with the phase that results in the cumulative creation of the number of lots that meet the threshold requiring the secondary access. The Planning Commission may require larger subdivisions to have a proportionately greater number of such access points to ensure adequate vehicular circulation and accessibility by emergency and safety forces.
   (e)   The applicant shall provide within the boundaries of the subdivision plat, the necessary right-of-way for the widening, continuance or alignment of such streets in conformity with the Major Thoroughfare Plan.
   (f)   Private roads shall be constructed to the City of Painesville specifications and standards. The cost of maintenance of such private streets, roadways and easements shall be borne equitably by benefitting property owners. Sufficient legal safeguards shall be taken to guarantee the continuing maintenance of such streets, roadways and easements.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)