(a)   The Historic Downtown Design Review District Civic Center sub area is hereby established and shall be shown on the Zoning Map.
   (b)   Buildings within the Historic Downtown Design Review District Civic Center sub area shall respect the historic nature of downtown and promote the architectural heritage of the City. In addition to the requirements of this chapter, new construction and alternations to buildings shall be made in accordance with the following:
      (1)   Large-scale and/or high-rise buildings shall be sensitive to the existing context of smaller-scale buildings.
         A.   Buildings shall be broken into increments that relate to the human scale by using such devices as fenestration, architectural detailing, variable setbacks and rooflines to define a sequence of bays and provide transitions in height and scale.
         B.   Blank wall areas at the sidewalk edge shall not extend for more than 25 horizontal feet without articulation such as a window, glass-covered display area, entryway or recessed area.
         C.   The use of reflective or tinted glass at ground level should be avoided
      (2)   Large buildings that disrupt the street grid and weaken the basic urban block structure are discouraged.
         A.   Buildings shall be visually linked to the street grid through public spaces and walkways and through mid block connections to ensure adequate pedestrian linkages.
         B.   Pedestrian linkages shall be fully demarcated with special pavement treatment at every intersection and lighted for safety.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)