(a)   Parking spaces shall be based on gross floor area.
   (b)   Where the computation of the number of spaces required results in a fraction, the fraction of a space shall be construed to be a whole space.
   (c)   On-street parking spaces shall not be counted toward off-street parking space requirements.
   (d)   For the purpose of computing requirements based on employees, students, residents, or occupants, calculations shall be based on the typical, or average, number of persons working on a single shift, the typical, or average, enrollment or the maximum fire-rated capacity, whichever is applicable, and whichever results in a greater number of spaces.
   (e)   In hospitals, bassinets shall not be counted as beds.
   (f)   In the case of benches, pews and similar seating accommodations, each 24 inches thereof shall be counted as one seat for the purpose of determining parking requirements.
   (g)   Handicap spaces shall be provided as required by the Ohio Basic Building Code requirement. Handicap spaces shall count toward the total number of required spaces and shall include all necessary markings, striping, and signage.
   (h)   Where a building or a development of multiple buildings is occupied by different uses, the parking areas shall include a number of spaces that equals the combined total of parking spaces required for each individual use.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)