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1123.10 PARKING.
   (a)   Each dwelling unit shall have two off-street parking spaces of not less than nine feet in width and 20 feet in length located within 300 feet of the building. Not less than one guest parking space shall be provided for every three dwelling units. Such parking shall be reasonably dispersed throughout the development and may be either on streets within the development or in off-street parking areas. The Planning Commission may waive or modify this requirement if it finds that the intent of this section will be adequately met.
   (b)   Where appropriate, common driveways, parking areas, walks and steps shall be provided, maintained and lighted for night use. All parking spaces and service drives shall be improved with bituminous asphalt or concrete or equivalent surfacing and so graded and drained as to control the release of all surface water accumulation within the area.
   (c)   Where necessary to control drainage and/or automobile circulation, curbs or a combination of curbs and gutters is required for parking lots. Screening of parking or service areas is required through the use of trees, shrubs, hedges, grade changes, fencing and or other visual and acoustical barriers between parking or service areas and housing units. The minimum landscape buffer width is ten feet. Non-residential parking areas shall be screened from adjacent structures, roads and traffic arteries in the same manner.
   (d)   No more than 15 parking spaces shall be located in a continuous row without being interrupted by landscaping, except as may otherwise be approved by the Planning Commission. The landscape area shall include trees, shrubs and other plant materials approved by the Planning Commission. Group garages and/or carports shall not be built in continuous unbroken lengths of more than 160 feet, but shall be divided by planting areas, changes of elevation, walks and/or pavement changes. Wherever possible, parking areas for all uses shall be located behind or beside buildings, well screened from adjacent dwellings. Any single parking areas shall not contain more than 80 parking spaces. Parking for non-residential areas shall provide adequate and safe loading areas, storage, lighting, grading and drainage, as approved by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)
1123.11 UTILITIES.
   PUDs shall provide underground utilities and appropriate easements for drainage, gas, sewer and water, communications, electric, telephone and street lighting systems unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission. All utility structures shall comply with Section 1119.15.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)