The PUD Design Standards and Guidelines describe and illustrate building patterns emphasizing their relationship to the street for defining space. They address the importance of creating visual focal points along the streetscape and the treatment of public spaces. The PUD Design Standards and Guidelines which may be revised and updated periodically, shall be kept on file with the Community Development Department and will be made available to the applicant.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)
(a) The scale, design and detailing of structures are essential to creating a visually and architecturally appealing environment that is sustainable. The Architectural Standards and Guidelines define and articulate design principles that relate to the scale, positioning, detailing of facades, roofs, windows, and appurtenances to buildings. The Architectural Design Standards and Guidelines which may be revised and updated periodically shall be kept on file with the Community Development Department and will be made available to the applicant.
(b) Dwelling units shall comply with the residential appearance standards set forth in Section 1115.06.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)
(a) The minimum setback of buildings from the perimeter of the total tract shall be determined by the development plan based on the classification of the adjacent zoning district.
(b) Building separation shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Code, state or local Building Code and other safety codes of the City and in accordance with good design principles as defined in Sections 1123.06 and 1123.07. All setbacks and building separations shall be defined by the development plan and shall be maintained as permanent landscaped open space, free of buildings, structures, driveways, streets or off-street parking.
(c) Fences, earth berms, walks, barriers and landscaping shall be used, as appropriate, for the protection and aesthetic enhancement of property and privacy of its occupants, screening of objectionable views or uses and reduction of noise, but shall not obstruct the vision of motorists and pedestrians on or near public or private roads.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)
(a) The proposed PUD shall not create traffic congestion nor overload existing roadway facilities.
(b) Points of ingress or egress shall be designed to discourage traffic on minor streets in the PUD. The internal traffic system shall provide for safe and efficient flow, being sensitive to such items of convenience, safety, access to living units and non-residential facilities, separation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and general attractiveness.
(c) There shall be no direct access from single-family residential lots to a major thoroughfare and direct access from single-family residential lots to collector streets shall be minimized.
(d) There shall be access for emergency vehicles to all buildings.
(e) Sidewalks shall be provided on each side of every street. The Planning Commission may modify this requirement where a multipurpose path or other acceptable alternatives are proposed.
(f) Multipurpose paths for pedestrian and bicycle circulation are encouraged. Where possible these paths should be segregated from vehicular traffic, especially at intersections.
(g) Streets within a PUD may be dedicated to public use or may be retained under private ownership on the condition that they are built to the same standards applied to streets acceptable for public dedication outlined in Chapter 1135. Standards of design and construction of private roadways may be modified, if deemed appropriate, by the Planning Commission.
(h) Any future dedication of private streets to public streets, shall require any action necessary to have the streets fully conform to the design requirements for public streets at the time of dedication and acceptance, with the exception of those standards which may have been waived for the PUD by the Planning Commission and accepted by City Council upon dedication.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)