1123.05 OPEN SPACE.
   (a)   Twenty-five percent of the gross acreage in the project shall be retained as open space to improve the visual attractiveness of the development, preserve natural features and vistas and supply functional recreational areas. Not included as open space are:
      (1)   Public or private streets or rights-of-way, including sidewalks.
      (2)   Open parking areas and driveways for dwellings.
      (3)   Land covered by buildings and non-residential structures not designated for recreational use.
      (4)   Designated outdoor storage areas.
   (b)   The open space may be of three basic types:
      (1)   Private open space. Private yards which are owned and maintained by individual owners and reserved exclusively for their use.
      (2)   Common open space. Areas of land or water or a combination of land and water, together with improvements within the PUD. Common open space may include accessory structures and improvements necessary or desirable for religious, educational, non-commercial, recreational or cultural uses, with approval of the Planning Commission.
      (3)   Public open space. Lands within the PUD deeded to the City or other public entity for a public use shall remain a part of the PUD for purposes of computing density.
   (c)   Undeveloped open space may exist within any of the three above categories. Land is undeveloped when a site's natural features are retained in their undisturbed, unimproved natural state, thus encouraging the preservation of unique natural assets such as unusual rock outcroppings, groves of trees, ravines, ponds and stream beds.
   (d)   Once open space areas are identified, these areas may not later be used for other purposes.
   (e)   Ownership and Perpetual Maintenance. Proposed ownerships of all recreation, park, common areas and open space areas shall be identified and a perpetual maintenance plan for such areas submitted to the City for review and approval.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)