(a) The purpose of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Overlay District is to:
(1) Permits a creative approach to the development of compatible, high quality residential, commercial, institutional, public and industrial uses.
(2) Provide flexibility in building sites; variety of land use and design; optimum land planning; usable open space and recreational areas; preservation of natural topographic and geological features; provision of underground utilities where feasible; efficient circulation systems; and an environment which is fully compatible with the surrounding areas.
(3) Permit a combination and coordination of architectural styles, building forms and relationships.
(4) Encourage developers to be innovative in design, efficient in land utilization and to take full advantage of existing natural features in order to create a better quality project than is actually possible under conventional zoning provisions.
(b) All PUD project proposals will be considered on the merits of the particular proposal in the context of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the neighborhood in which the PUD is to be located, the adequacy of public facilities and ease of extending service and the compatibility of the project proposal and immediate surroundings.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)
(a) Subject to the provisions set forth herein, a PUD may be permitted on contiguous parcels of not less than:
(1) Ten acres for exclusively residential developments;
(2) Thirty acres for residential use with convenience or neighborhood commercial uses;
(3) Fifty acres or developments which include a mixture of residential commercial and/or industrial or any combination of these nonresidential uses.
(b) A PUD may be approved in all districts. In S-1 Special and R-1 Single-Family Districts, only residential uses may be approved. The establishment of a PUD shall be regarded as a zoning district change subject to the procedures set forth in Section 1111.11 for rezoning and amendment.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)
(a) All uses within a designated PUD Overlay District are governed by the provisions of this Code and the approval plan of the project involved. PUDs may contain any use identified by the developer and approved by both the Planning Commission and the Council along with conditions appropriate to such uses, if any.
(1) Residential uses. A variety of dwelling unit types shall be permitted including single-family detached, single-family attached, duplex, multi-family or any combination thereof.
(2) Non-residential uses. Those uses deemed compatible with the project proposal and surrounding neighborhood uses are permitted upon approval of the Planning Commission and Council.
(b) Mixed Use PUD. Where a mix of residential uses and non-residential uses is proposed, the following criteria will apply to review the permitted uses.
(1) All residential development areas included in the PUD are to be planned and integrated with the non-residential uses to minimize conflicts and encourage compatibility.
(2) There shall be a market analysis study furnished to the Planning Commission to establish specific economic need for all land uses. The market analysis should demonstrate the justification for the type of development and the amount of land required for each use.
(3) The PUD shall be located and designed so that the proposed uses will be adequately served by the street system, existing and proposed. Private and public roads within the PUD shall include a pedestrian focus with sidewalks, tree lawns, bike paths and transit.
(4) Parking and service areas, entrances, exits, signs, lighting, noise or other potentially adverse influences shall be so designed as to protect and minimize unfavorable impact on the residential development area within the PUD.
(c) Accessory Uses.
(1) Permitted residential accessory uses shall include those accessory uses that are permitted for residential uses in the R-1 District and comply with all applicable sections of this Code.
(2) Permitted non-residential accessory uses shall include those accessory uses that are permitted for non-residential uses in the B-1 District and comply with all applicable sections of this Code.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)