Donation boxes that are accessory to a permitted main use on the same lot shall comply with the following specific standards and conditions:
(a) Donation boxes shall be owned and maintained by entities that have tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, are registered to do business in Ohio as a non-profit organization and possess a certificate of corporate good standing from the Ohio Secretary of State.
(b) Donation boxes shall not be placed within the street right-of-way, within an interior drive, or in any location that obstructs the sight lines of vehicular traffic.
(c) Donation boxes shall not be placed within a required parking space.
(d) Donation boxes shall only be permitted in the side or rear yard.
(e) Each donation bin shall cover no more than 25 square feet and shall not exceed six feet in height.
(f) Not more than one donation bin shall be permitted on any single lot that is one acre or less in area. One additional donation bin may be permitted on a lot for each additional acre of lot area.
(g) Donation boxes shall be maintained in good condition and appearance with no structural damage, holes, or visual rust, and shall be free of graffiti. All boxes shall be free of debris and shall be serviced regularly so as to prevent overflow of donations or the accumulation of junk, debris or other material. No donations or other material outside the containers shall be permitted at any time.
(h) Donation boxes shall contain the contact information in two-inch type, visible from the front of the box that includes the name, address, e-mail, and phone number of the operator. Additional signage shall be not exceed to a maximum of six square feet on each donation box shall not count toward the sign area allowed for the main use in Chapter 1127.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)