Any outdoor dining area located on private property shall comply with the following specific standards and conditions:
(a) Outdoor dining areas shall be incidental and subordinate to a permitted restaurant as a main use.
(b) The site design and enclosure of the outdoor dining area, including materials and landscaping, is subject to the approval of the Administrator.
(c) Outdoor dining areas shall be located on the premises or adjacent to the main building in such a manner that no customers or employees are required to cross driveways or parking areas to go between the outdoor dining area and the main building.
(d) Outdoor dining areas cafe shall be located five feet from driveways and alleys, and ten feet from intersections.
(e) Outdoor dining areas may extend in front of adjacent businesses with the written consent of both the property owner and the business owner.
(f) Tables, chairs and furnishings shall be arranged so as not to interfere with pedestrian movement on sidewalks, ingress into or egress from buildings, or otherwise interfere with the proper and safe movement of people or vehicles.
(g) Tables, chairs, and other materials associated with the outdoor dining area shall be kept free of litter and other debris at all times.
(h) Umbrellas and awnings that shelter diners from the elements shall be secured so as not to create a hazard in windy conditions.
(i) Enclosing outdoor dining areas either by a permanent roof or to expand the existing structure shall meet all the requirements of a main building within the applicable zoning district.
(j) Music and sound amplification systems shall not be used in outdoor dining areas later than 10:00 p.m.
(k) The outdoor area shall not exceed either the square foot area or seating capacity of the indoor area.
(l) All ingress and egress to the outdoor dining area shall be through the existing indoor dining area, except for emergency egress.
(m) Restaurants which intend to serve alcoholic beverages at an outdoor dining area shall hold a valid Ohio Liquor Control Commission liquor license.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)