1119.05 FENCES.
   The installation of any fences shall comply with the following specific standards and conditions:
   (a)   General Requirements.
      (1)   Fencing shall be maintained in good condition without advertising thereon. Fences to be approved shall be basketweave, picket, board of batten, baffle, stockade, vinyl, split rail, estate rail or solid wood fences, chain link, woven picket fence, and masonry fencing.
         A.   No permit is required for routine maintenance of existing fencing where no modifications are proposed.
         B.   Maintenance includes replacement of less than 50% of existing materials; provided that the location and height of such replacement materials shall be incompliance with code requirements.
      (2)   The supporting rails and posts of any fence shall face the interior of the lot and the finished side of the fence shall face outward from the lot or yard being fenced. The Administrator may waive this requirement if the applicant submits documentation that an adjacent property owner is in agreement with any such waiver. Double sided fences shall only be permitted when the same style is used on both sides of the fence.
      (3)   On corner lots, fencing less than three feet in height may be located within a sight triangle provided that such fencing does not obstruct the vision of motorists or pedestrian traffic on or near public roads.
      (4)   Fences shall follow the natural contour of the land on which it is located.
      (5)   Fence height excludes ornamental and decorative post knobs no taller than six inches and minor variations (± four inches) in installation to account for specific site topography.
      (6)   Fences, shall not impede, inhibit, or obstruct culverts, drains, natural watercourses, or storm water drainage.
      (7)   Small portions of fencing used for decorative or landscaping purposes shall be exempt from the requirements of this section provided that such fencing does not exceed 20 feet in length or four feet in height, and is set back at least five feet from any property line.
      (8)   Where any requirement for fencing as part of a required buffer, screen, or swimming pool enclosure conflicts with the provisions of this section, the requirements for such buffer, screen or swimming pool enclosure shall govern.
      (9)   The property owner shall be responsible for the accurate determination of any property line relative to the location of a proposed fence. The issuance of a fence permit does not indicate City review or approval of the property line location.
   (b)   District Requirements.
      (1)   Residential.
         A.   Fences in any side or rear yard shall not exceed six and one-half feet in height; except in the R-2 District such fence shall not exceed eight feet in height, provided that the fence is at least 50 feet from any R-1 District.
         B.   Fences within the front setback line of record or existing main building line whichever is less shall not exceed three feet in height. On corner lots all sides adjacent to the right- of-way shall be treated as a front setback line.
         C.   Fences constructed in whole or in part of barbed wire, razor wire, guard rail, or electrified in any manner are prohibited.
      (2)   Nonresidential.
         A.   Fences in any side or rear yard shall not exceed eight feet in height in the M-1 and M-2 District and six feet in height in all other nonresidential districts.
         B.   Fences within 20 feet of a right-of-way or public street shall not exceed three feet in height.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)