(a) Buffering of Residential Property. All commercial and industrial uses located adjacent to residentially zoned property shall buffer and screen the commercial and/or industrial operation from the adjacent residential district line.
(1) Commercial/industrial uses adjacent to residential areas shall be designed to:
A. Shift loading docks and overhead doors to the opposite side of the residential building.
B. Locate parking facilities adjacent to residential property.
C. Locate trash bins, dumpsters and storage areas away from residential property.
D. Locate office portions of a facility nearest to residential property.
(2) Screening when used to buffer adjacent residential property from multi-family, commercial or industrial uses shall consist of landscaping or mounding or both.
A. The landscaping shall be at least 75% evergreen material which shall provide a minimum four foot opaque appearance. The evergreen material may be supplemented by deciduous plants and trees.
B. If mounding is used it shall be a minimum of four feet in height and graded at a slope that can be maintained. All mounds shall be planted to prevent erosion.
C. If fencing is used it shall consist of a solid fence or wall not less than four feet in height adjacent to parking areas and a minimum of six feet in height adjacent to all other operations. Fencing within the front setback shall be in conformance with Section 1119.05.
D. Screening and buffering shall be included on the site plan for review and approval by the Administrator. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued until the screening is installed.
E. Screening and buffering shall be maintained in good condition. Plant material shall be replaced when necessary to maintain the minimum requirements of screening. Fencing shall be maintained in good repair at all times.
(b) Building Setbacks Adjacent to Residential Property.
(1) Commercial: Commercial buildings adjacent to residentially zoned property shall be setback a minimum of 25 feet from the residentially zoned property. The area in the setback shall be buffered in accordance with the requirements of subsection (a) herein.
(2) Industrial: In all industrial districts, industrial buildings located adjacent to residentially zoned property shall be setback a minimum of 35 feet from the adjacent residential property line. The area in the setback shall be buffered in accordance with the requirements of subsection (a) herein.
(3) Required setbacks shall not be used for storage or other operations associated with the commercial or industrial operation.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)