In order to carry out the provisions of this Code, the City of Painesville is divided into the following zoning districts for the following purposes:
Zoning Districts | |
Zoning Districts | |
S-1 SPECIAL | To preserve environmentally sensitive areas, to maintain open space and to encourage the preservation of undeveloped areas. |
R-1 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL | To provide areas for single-family development. Certain other uses shall be permitted that are compatible and supportive to the single-family character. |
R1-60 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL | To provide areas for single-family development. Certain other uses shall be permitted that are compatible and supportive to the single-family character. |
R-2 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL | To provide areas for greater density residential development. Such districts are intended to be located in proximity to transportation facilities and convenience goods. |
B-1 BUSINESS/RESIDENTIAL | To provide a transition from residential to the commercial areas and to prohibit those automobile related businesses and uses, including drive-through commercial uses that tend to make pedestrian circulation difficult or unsafe. Although the district may allow residential uses, it is not intended to offer a residential environment protected from the effects of usual and customary business activity. The permitted and conditional uses are those which will have a minimal impact on the adjacent residential property but will provide support activities to those adjacent areas. |
B-2 GENERAL BUSINESS | To provide areas for a wide variety of commercial, service and business uses that are adequately served by transportation and utilities and serve the needs of the City and the region |
B-3 CENTRAL BUSINESS | To provide a location for a greater intensity of development which permits a variety of commercial, business, cultural residential and recreational activities in a walkable, mixed use setting that forms a focal point of the community. |
DD DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT | To provide a location for a greater intensity of development which permits a variety of commercial, business, cultural residential and recreational activities in a walkable, mixed use setting in accordance with the Downtown Master Plan and in the manner of historic downtowns. |
M-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL | To provide locations for industrial uses which can be operated in a clean and quiet manner subject to those regulations and performance standards necessary to prohibit congestion and for the protection of adjacent residential and business activities. |
M-2 INDUSTRIAL | To provide locations for a broad range of industrial uses, which, because of outdoor operations or because of their size, noise, dirt, dust, vibration, odor, or traffic require special performance standards in addition to those generally applicable in the M-1 district. |
Land may also be classified into the following special districts: | |
FP FLOOD PLAIN | FLOOD PLAIN DISTRICT To establish certain districts along water courses that may periodically be inundated by flood waters. Uses are restricted in these areas so as to preserve life, protect property, minimize disruption of commerce and government services and prevent or minimize damage. It is the intent of this district to regulate development in the areas designated as the 100 year flood plain as designated by the Floodway maps. |
DR DESIGN REVIEW HISTORIC DOWNTOWN RICHMOND STREET HISTORIC PRESERVATION: Mentor Avenue Bank Street Railroad Street | DESIGN REVIEW DISTRICT To establish certain districts where the stabilization of the designated area is necessary to protect property values, stimulate economic activity and preserve and maintain the character of the area. It is the intent of this district to protect the historic character and architectural details of structures within the district, minimize the demolition of historic structures, and encourage new buildings and development that will be harmonious with the existing historic architecture. |
PUD PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT | PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT To promote a creative and flexible approach to land development projects undertaken as a single entity that require flexibility in the strict application of City regulations to protect natural resources, allow for efficient infrastructure and utility design, create unique open spaces and achieve a better quality project than would be possible without such flexibility. |
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)