(a) Riparian setbacks shall be required on all land adjacent to designated watercourses. The setback distance, established as follows, will be determined by the size of the watershed that the watercourse drains.
(1) A minimum of 120 feet on each side of all designated watercourses draining an area equal to or greater than 50 square miles.
(2) A minimum of 100 feet on each side of all designated watercourses draining an area equal to or greater than 20 square miles and up to 50 square miles.
(3) A minimum of 75 feet on each side of all designated watercourses draining an area equal to or greater than ten square miles and up to 20 square miles.
(4) A minimum of 50 feet on each side of all designated watercourses draining an area equal to or greater than five square miles and up to ten square miles.
(5) A minimum of 40 feet on each side of all designated watercourses draining an area equal to or greater than two and one-half square miles and up to five square miles.
(6) A minimum of 25 feet on each side of all designated watercourses draining an area less than one square mile and up to two and one-half square miles.
Watershed Size (In Square Miles) | Setback Distance (Minimum)
50 or greater | 120 Feet |
20 up to 50 | 100 Feet |
10 up to 20 | 75 Feet |
5 up to 10 | 50 Feet |
2.5 up to 5 | 40 Feet |
<1 up to 2.5 | 25 Feet |
(b) The City shall provide a riparian setback map to be utilized as a guide or reference document in determining when the riparian setback applies.
(1) Such map shall be made part of this chapter and shall be on file and available for public inspection at the City of Painesville Community Development Department.
(2) If any discrepancy is found between the riparian setback map and the on-site conditions, the criteria set forth in these regulations shall prevail.
(3) Nothing herein shall prevent the City from amending the riparian setback map from time to time as may be necessary.
(4) In reviewing and interpreting the riparian setback map, the City may consult with a representative of the Lake SWCD or any other technical expert(s) as necessary.
(c) The following regulations shall apply to riparian setbacks:
(1) Riparian setbacks shall be measured in a horizontal direction outward from the ordinary high water mark of a designated watercourse. See Figure 1 below.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, riparian setbacks shall be preserved in their natural state.
(3) Where the 100-year floodplain is wider than the minimum riparian setback on either or both sides of a designated watercourse, the minimum riparian setback shall be extended to include the outermost boundary of the 100-year floodplain as delineated on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) of Lake County, Ohio administered by FEMA.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)