(a)   A building under active construction/renovation and having a valid building permit(s) shall be exempt from registration until the expiration of the longest running, currently active building permit.
   (b)   A building which has suffered fire damage or damage caused by extreme weather conditions shall be exempt from the registration requirement for a period of 90 days after the date of the fire or extreme weather event if the property owner submits a request for exemption in writing to the Community Development Department. This request shall include the names and addresses of the owner or owners, and a statement of intent to repair and reoccupy the building in an expedient manner, or the intent to demolish the building.
   (c)   A building that is for sale and listed with a licensed State of Ohio realtor shall be exempted for a period of 12 months from the start of vacancy, provided that the owner or owner’s representative submits proof to the Community Development Department of such listing and for sale status.
   (d)   A building that has been granted an exemption pursuant to the following. Any owner of a vacant building may request an exemption from the provisions of this chapter by filing a written application with the Director of the Community Development Department who shall timely consider same. In determining whether a request for exemption should be granted, the Director shall consider the following: the applicant’s prior record as it pertains to City Housing Code, Building Code, or Property Maintenance Code violations; the amount of vacant property the applicant currently has within the City; and the length of time that the building for which the exception is sought has been vacant.
   (e)   Any building or structure acquired by the Lake County Land Reutilization Corporation for the purpose of demolition or rehabilitation shall be exempt from registration and any fees set forth in Section 1375.06 of this chapter.
   (f)   Any commercial building or structure determined to be vital for the purpose of economic development by the City Manager may be exempt from registration and any fees set forth in Section 1375.06 of this chapter.
(Ord. 11-11. Passed 2-22-11; Ord. 26-15. Passed 11-16-15; Ord. 15-17. Passed 6-19-17.)