For the purposes of administering the UDC, the Administrator shall have the following powers and duties:
   (a)   Interpret the meaning and application of the UDC.
   (b)   Review and process applications and permits as set forth by this Code.
   (c)   Enforce the provisions of this Unified Development Code. It shall also be the duty for all officers and employees of the City, and especially of all members of the Police Department, to assist the Administrator by reporting to the Administrator upon new construction, reconstruction or land uses or upon seeming violations.
   (d)   Take action regarding certificates of appropriateness for properties located within designated Design Review Districts.
   (e)   Take action regarding certificates of appropriateness for alteration of properties located within designated Historic Preservation Districts.
   (f)   Take action regarding minor subdivisions (lot splits).
   (g)   Review and make recommendations related to matters that come before reviewing bodies in administering the provisions of this Code.
   (h)   Coordinate meetings as required for the administration of this Code.
   (i)   Maintain a record of all administrative and legislative proceedings under this Code.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)