Powers and Duties. For the purposes of administering the UDC, the Planning Commission shall receive no compensation and shall have the following powers and duties:
(a) Hold public hearings, review and make recommendations related to the amendment of this UDC.
(b) Hold public hearings, review and make recommendations related to amendment to the Official Zoning Map and approval of Planned Unit Developments.
(c) Hold public hearings, review and take action related to application for conditional use permits.
(d) Review and take action on average slope determination and deviations related to development activity in Hillside Areas.
(e) Review and make recommendations related to of preliminary plats and take action on final plats for major subdivisions and planned developments.
(f) Review and make recommendations related to of preliminary and final cluster development plans.
(g) Take action related to temporary structures and uses.
(h) Take action related to certificates of compliance for uses that are subject to industrial performance standards.
(i) Serve as the Design Review Board of the City.
(j) Make similar use determinations.
(Ord. 16-19. Passed 9-16-19.)