(a) Rank vegetation shall not be permitted on any of the following premises:
(1) All land within seventy-five feet of any public right of way;
(2) Developed or occupied lots within any duly recorded residential or industrial subdivision;
(3) Lots within duly recorded residential subdivisions where such lots are immediately adjacent to a developed or occupied lot;
(4) Any commercially zoned property;
(5) Developed industrial property;
(6) Multi-family developments;
(7) Residentially zoned property not within a recorded subdivision where subject property is less than two acres in area and property fronts a public right of way;
(8) Within the front setback of lots within duly recorded industrial subdivisions;
(9) All land within seventy-five feet of a lot line which is adjacent to lots or lands upon which a residential dwelling or commercial building exists, whether or not such dwelling or building is occupied.
(b) The City Manager or his/her duly authorized representative may modify at his/her discretion provisions of areas described in subsections (a)(1), (7) and (9) hereof, where the literal enforcement would cause a hardship due to natural or man-made barriers or causes the disruption of a natural animal, fowl or flora habitat.
(c) Every owner, occupant, agent and person having control of any lot or land in the City shall cut and remove or destroy by lawful means all noxious weeds and rank vegetation growing thereon and shall keep such growth so that the same shall not at any time attain a height of more than six inches on any developed, residentially zoned property and twelve inches on any other lots or lands.
(Ord. 20-93. Passed 8-16-93.)