The Director of Finance shall have charge of the administration of the financial affairs of the City under the direction of the City Manager and to that end he shall have authority and shall be required to:
   (1)   Prepare and submit the current income and expense estimates for the budget as directed by the City Manager;
   (2)   Supervise and be responsible for the disbursement of all monies and control all expenditures so that appropriation and cash resources are not exceeded;
   (3)   Maintain a general accounting system for the City government; keep accounts for and exercise budgetary control over each office, department and agency; keep separate appropriate accounts, each of which shall show the amount of appropriation, the encumbrances thereon, the amounts expended therefrom, and the unencumbered balance therein; require reports of receipts and disbursements from each receiving and disbursing agency of the City government at such intervals as he may deem expedient and in such form as he shall require;
   (4)   Submit to the City Manager upon request but not less often than monthly, a statement of receipts and disbursements and account balances in sufficient detail to show the financial condition of the City;
   (5)   Prepare for the City Manager, as of the end of each fiscal year. a complete financial statement and report;
   (6)   Supervise the receipt and recording of all fees and revenues due the City; (Amended November 4, 2003.)
   (7)   Have custody of all public funds belonging to or under control of the City or any office, department or agency of the City government and deposit said funds in such depositories as may be designated by resolution of the Council;
   (8)   Have custody of all investments and invested funds of the City or in possession of such City in a fiduciary capacity; with the written approval of the City Manager direct investments of any surplus, reserve or inactive funds into such investments as are permitted by general law provided such investments shall be supervised by a licensed financial investment advisor approved by City Council on the recommendation of the City Manager, reporting regularly the status of the City’s investments to City Council; and have the safekeeping of all bonds and notes of the City and the receipt and delivery of City bonds and notes for transfer, registration or exchange. (Amended November 4, 2003.)
   (9)   Perform such other services, not inconsistent with this Charter, as may be required by either the City Manager or the Council.