A.   In Writing.
   Each proposed ordinance or resolution shall be in written or printed form, and shall contain not more than one (l) subject which shall be clearly stated in the title. General appropriation ordinances may contain the various subjects and accounts for which monies are appropriated and ordinances and resolutions relating to public improvements may provide for two (2) or more projects.
   B.   Three Readings.
   No by-law, ordinance, or resolution, of a general or permanent nature, or granting a franchise, or creating a right, or involving the expenditure of money, or the levying of a tax, or for the purchase, lease, sale or transfer of property, shall be passed, unless it has been fully and distinctly read on three (3) different days, and with respect to any such by-law, ordinance, or resolution, there shall be no authority to dispense with this rule, except by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of all members elected to Council.
   C.   Reading by Title.
   Ordinances and resolutions may be read by title only if written or printed copy thereof is placed on the desk or table for each member of Council.
   D.   Effective Date.
   Ordinances and resolutions shall take effect thirty (30) days after their adoption unless a later time is stated therein and except as provided in Paragraph E. of this Section. Nothing in this paragraph shall prohibit the City or an officer thereof, after the passage of any ordinance or resolution, from proceeding at once to give any notice or make any publication required by such ordinance or resolution.
   E.   Emergency Clause.
   Ordinances or other measures providing for appropriations for the current expenses of the City, or for improvements petitioned for by the owners of a majority of the feet front of the property benefited and to be especially assessed for the cost thereof, or for providing for the daily operation of a municipal department, or emergency ordinances or measures necessary for the immediate preservation of the peace, health, safety or general welfare of the inhabitants of the City, shall not be subject to referendum and shall go into immediate effect.
   The reason for the necessity must be set forth in one section of such ordinance or resolution and in order to be adopted as an emergency measure it must receive the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all members of Council. If it receives less than two-thirds (2/3) but does receive a majority, it will not go into effect immediately but will go into effect in thirty (30) days.
   F.   Multiple Resolutions.
   Whenever the Council is required to pass more than one ordinance or other measure to complete the legislation necessary to make and pay for any public improvement, only the first such ordinance or measure shall be subject to referendum and the others shall not be so subject.
   G.   Voting.
   On the passage of every ordinance and resolution, the vote shall be taken and entered in the journal. Affirmative votes shall be "Yes". Negative votes shall be "No". Any member of Council who is present and fails to vote shall be conclusively deemed to have voted with the majority.
   H.   Enacting Clause.
   The enacting clause shall be: Be it ordained (or resolved) by the Council of the City of Painesville, Lake County, Ohio.
   I.   Publication.
         Notice of the adoption of ordinances and resolutions of a general or permanent nature shall be given in the manner now or hereafter provided by the laws of Ohio including by electronic means that allows for general public access not less that twenty-four (24) hours and within ten (10) days following the adoption thereof and making a copy thereof available to public inspection in the office of the Clerk of Council. It shall be sufficient to publish by title only. In the publication of ordinances or resolutions relating to improvements, the advertisement may contain the title, number and date of passage, a concise description of the private property affected, a summary of the nature of the improvement, the rate of any assessment levied or to be levied, and a reference to the copy which shall be on file with the Clerk of Council.
(Amended November 5, 2013; Amended November 7, 2023)