(A)   Disbursement of fines and administrative fees. The court shall remit all fees, fines, restitution, surcharges and other monies collected by the court to the City Finance Department for distribution to state and county agencies.
   (B)   Administrative fees.
      (1)   Generally. The following fees shall be collected by the court:
         (a)   Warrant fee;
         (b)   Suspension fee;
         (c)   Show cause fee;
         (d)   Time payment fee or extension fee;
         (e)   Default fee;
         (f)   Drug court fee;
         (g)   Court improvement fee; and
         (h)   Costs of prosecution.
      (2)   Warrant fee. The court shall collect a warrant fee for each warrant issued by the court. Any person who has a warrant issued by the court for failure to comply shall be required to pay this fee to offset the cost of issuing and servicing the warrant.
      (3)   Suspension fee. The court shall collect a suspension fee for each suspension of a driver’s license. Any person who has had a suspension issued by the court for failure to pay a civil traffic fine or for any other reason shall be required to pay this fee to offset the cost of issuing and servicing the suspension.
      (4)   Show cause fee. The court shall collect a fee on each order to show cause, unless the defendant can show compliance with the issued court order.
      (5)   Time payment fee. In addition to any other assessment authorized by law, the Court shall collect a time payment fee or time payment extension fee from any person who pays a court ordered penalty, fine or sanction on a time payment basis, including parking penalties, restitution and juvenile monetary assessments.
      (6)   Default fee. The court shall collect a default fee for each default judgment entered on a civil traffic violation when the person cited failed to respond to the citation or summons.
      (7)   Drug court fee. The court shall collect a fee from each participant in the drug court program.
      (8)   Court improvement fee. The court shall collect a fee on all fines, sanctions, penalties and assessments imposed by the court. The improvement fee shall also apply to fees collected for court authorized diversion programs as permitted in A.R.S. § 9-500.22 and includes authorized defensive driving courses.
      (9)   Costs of prosecution. The court may collect costs of prosecution as ordered by the court in connection with motions to suspend prosecution.
   (C)   Enforcement.
      (1)   If a person has been found to be indigent, the Court may reduce the amount of any fee based upon the individual’s ability to pay.
      (2)   The court may contract with a collections agency to collect outstanding fines and administrative fees.
      (3)   In addition to any other remedy available at law, the City Attorney is authorized to institute legal proceedings to recover fees incurred pursuant to this chapter.
   (D)   Authority to set fee amounts.
      (1)   The amount of each fee to be charged pursuant to this chapter shall be set by the Presiding Magistrate who shall in writing inform the City Council of the established fees.
      (2)   If the City Council desires a change in the fee schedule submitted by the Court, the Council shall request the Presiding Magistrate to submit a revised fee schedule.
(1976 Code, § 5-4) (Ord. 619-14, passed 9-24-2014; Ord. 631-17, passed 2-8-2017; Ord. 697-22, passed 9-14-2022; Ord. 699-22, passed 12-14-2022)