(A) General purpose. The purpose of the airport districts is to promote and develop compatibility between airport activity and the surrounding area in the vicinity of the city municipal airport. These districts are designed to prohibit potential hazards and maintain public health and safety in the vicinity of the airport by minimizing exposure to crash hazards, electronic interference that could deleteriously affect aircraft electronics, and high noise levels generated by airport operations and to encourage future development which is compatible with the continued operations of the airport.
(B) Airport Districts and overlay zones.
(1) Airport Property District (AP). It is the intent of this district to encourage utilization patterns which promote viable and long-term growth of the city municipal airport and of airport-related business and industry. Utilization and development patterns must be amenable to regulations, purposes and directions of the city Airport Master Plan plus all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations.
(C) Airport use standards.
(1) The following airport related uses shall be permitted within the AP zoning district:
(a) Airport structures and facilities that are necessary for the operation of the airport and for the control of air traffic therefrom;
(b) Fixed base operators (FBOs);
(c) Heliports, tourism operators, and ground school training;
(d) Balloon and associated gondola launching, landing and base of operations; and
(e) Space-oriented operations, including research, development, launching and landing.
(2) All other uses in the AP district shall require a conditional use permit, special event permit or a temporary use permit that are consistent with the Airport Master Plan. As part of the approval process, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall give strong consideration to the recommendations and conditions forwarded to it by the Airport Manager and Economic Development Advisory Board (EDAB).
(3) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, no use may be made of land or water within any zone established by this chapter in such a manner as to create electrical interference with navigational signals or radio communication between the airport and aircraft; make it difficult for pilots to distinguish between airport lights and others; result in glare in the eyes of pilots using the airport; impair visibility in the vicinity of the airport or otherwise in any way create a hazard or endanger the landing, takeoff, or maneuvering of aircraft, intending to use the airport.
(D) Airport development standards.
(1) Site plan review and approval, as outlined in § 152.095 of this code, shall be required for all development and construction within the specific boundaries of the airport districts and zones. All development standards such as setbacks, heights, and lot coverage shall be shown on the approved site plan, unless otherwise stated herein. It is required that the Airport Manager and EDAB review all site plans and conditional use permit requests and advise the Planning and Zoning Commission of any known or potential impacts or conditions that might be caused by the proposed development or the conditional use permit.
(2) Building heights within the boundaries of the airport districts and zones shall be as set forth in the federal aviation regulations (FAR) part 77 airspace plan, the city Airport Master Plan, and the underlying zoning district, with no allowances for exceptions to the building height. The most restrictive guidelines shall apply.
(3) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no vegetation or tree shall be planted or allowed to grow, or be maintained in any airport district created by this chapter to a height in excess of the applicable height limit herein established.
(Ord. 648-18, passed 11-28-2018; Ord. 703-23, passed 3-22-2023)